Sunday, April 29, 2012

Construction in Ghana

This is dedicated to the Two Building Ron’s and my building sister Ellen.

I see many things everyday that I know would make and American cringe thinking of the “dangers” that lurk

in doing things this way.  Lawsuit heaven although what would you sue them for.

P1010716Building in the dirt w/ no tape measure, no level, exactly the number of nails you think you will need and not one more extra.

P1010732Digging dirt, getting it wet and putting into forms to dry.  When dry stack them and wait for Sunday to come to work on your new house.

P1010737Nail boards together to make your front door.  A little light never hurt anyone, what animals can fly through or crawl through or go under the door, never considered it.

P1010738Don’t know what to say except it works and so far has not fallen on anyone.

P1010962Okay, we need new latches on door for security.  Nails are a little long no screws anywhere so put in a few extra nails to hold the latch.

P1010966Okay this wire is a little long and another just barley makes it Oh yes electrical tape at least I think that is electrical tape.  Of course this is 240 electricity.

P1010967New craft center building to dye in and store materials in. I like the wire going through the wall to hold something together maybe roof on?

P1010968New zinc roof on.  Lots of nails with the sealing thing around them.  However, at the seam on top looks a little loose.  But to be fair they are not finished with the building so things might change.

I always think of the Rons and how they do things right and wonder what they would think.  Ellen I think would enjoy these too so here they are.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

More Pic from my village

Lambert took my bike to fix another flat and I saw him coming back with Paul his little brother sitting in my basket.  Yesterday I saw a 12 yrs old girl on a bike with two small children on the back.   I have trouble just keeping my balance on the dirt.

The kids are all eating this yellow thing with a seed in it.  They have told me the Fra Fra name but I just don't get it.  It comes from the pod in the next picture.  I took a piece because they said it was so sweet and we have such different taste buds.  It was slightly sweet and had a little dark see in the inside.  I have not seen the women cook it but the kids are climbing trees to get this.

More pics from trip to meetings

Relaxing by the pool and deciding on something good to eat!!!

Watching the fisherman come in starting at 6 am.  Notice all the people on the bridge to greet them.  They do this everyday except Tuesday there is supersition about Tuesdays.
 Fishmen geting thier fish to market.  Notice the "clothes" line they were out all night fishing. The side boat has a big light to draw in the fish.
 That big pan is full of fish.  The men are pulling it off and will carry to dock where alot of the women put it on their head.  Their pay is a hand full of fish.  One way to feed their families.
 This is the mackerel they caught.  They will smoke LOTS of it and sell in markets all through Ghana.
Here the fishing boats are leaving the next night going to sea for their income.

Monday, April 23, 2012

This is Easter Morning, they were singing and dancing down the main street of the village. (As you can tell not my village notice the paved street!)

Pineapple growing in the wild.

Some of the PCV's at the toga auction.  Suzanne Linda and I bid and won a trip to Accra to jump the bungee's and ride bumper boats, then have a dinner at the Deputy Country Director house.  Looking forward to that.
From our room overlooking the Dutch and English castle where it was turned into a slave holding and shipping building.  Sad stories, but learn that 1/3 of all slaves went to Brazil, 1/3 went to the Carribean, and 1/3 to the rest of the world including America.
One of many statues I found in this little fishing village.  Very poor and women are not encouraged to go to school only the boys.  But many can make money right now by fishing so many do not go to school. 

Can't believe it but my battery is dead and won't charge up on the computer and of course no where to stick the chip!!!  More to come!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

And more pictures

Sunday morning going to church singing and dancing.

Monkey trying to decided if he wants my banana.

Pretty sad when you have to take it to him and he hold on with his back feet.  so much Fun!!!

More stories in picture

At the tros tros station getting ride home.  Tammy notice the bag on top of my red put case!!!

From tros notice all the seller's with their wears on their heads.  Just call one to the car and buy what you want!!! Driver will wait for you to finish transaction before he continues on the way.

This is inside picture of the way we see it.  they have small dried fish on their heads to sell here as well as bread, water, and fruit balls, a sweet bread.  Bought one and we shared.  Good!!!! No palm oil here.

The crossing bridge of the volta.  Beautiful river and it makes all the electricity here in Ghana.

Here is suzanne getting back into her room.  She locked it up like Fort Knox!!  Se me in the reflection?

I am getting pictures to you

I has been a very long time since I posted but hopefully with this fast connection I can get you all up to date with pictures.  Here is Megan, Linda, Me and Diana at our meeting at the Christian Center.

 Here is our class all back together had not seen each other in 3 months.  Good time and lots of learning.

Suzanne and I learning something. Notice I even have a pen at the ready just in case something important is said.

Here is our transportation!! suzanne called it the pimp mobile look at the windows H!

Here is Linda relaxing in the water sachet hammock she made.  She picked up all those sachets and made a hammock.  Trashy Bags is very interested in using her design.  The kids in her village had one almost made when she got back home.                                          More to follow.....