Dawn, Rob and I went to visit a Ghanaian in Goree about an hour ride from my house. He is in the process of building a library, to put his papers and his art work and then hopes to get books for the village to use.
His papers are all on the customs of Guerne’s in the Upper East which is the whole area where I am. He got interested as a child from the stories his father told him. He does not have much education past about our 2nd year in High School but that has not stopped him.
His papers were done like we would turn in a report at school, plastic cover, with cover page and dedication page then, customs, child birth and raising children, rituals etc. I could have spent the afternoon just looking through those papers, which means I will go back to sit.
The library he is building to hold water and have guest stay. The water system is going to be rain collection then piped to where it is needed.
He is also an artist. The statues are what I want to share with you now.
This is a Gurene in full dress.
This is his Grandmother with the traditional pipe they used in ceremonies.
Here is the head of the house protecting his property from intruders.
Mother or young girl of the family pounding to make dinner.
Bring water to the kitchen. Dawn in back ground with artist and Rob yes I just got his hat!!!
Same picture but wanted to show you the baby on her back. Still do it exactly the same way today.
Will continue on the next blog. Enjoy, Barbara