Saturday, July 28, 2012

Rest of Statue Pictures

The computer is slow and it won’t take all the pictures at one time.  This is a picture of the artists Mother.




This is his father and Grandfather in traditional dress:




This is the Chief and his spoke person.  Even today it is usually proper to speak to the spoke person rather than the Chief directly, however, the older Chief here is more like that then the younger one.  Of course when the Chief and I went for a drink together we spoke without the middle man Ha!!!  I have the younger Chief who has just retired as a journalist trying to find time to walk or ride a bike with me. 



My Bike trip to the Library being built


Dawn, Rob and I went to visit a Ghanaian in Goree about an hour ride from my house.  He is in the process of building a library, to put his papers and his art work and then hopes to get books for the village to use.

His papers are all on the customs of Guerne’s in the Upper East which is the whole area where I am.  He got interested as a child from the stories his father told him.  He does not have much education past about our 2nd year in High School but that has not stopped him. 

His papers were done like we would turn in a report at school, plastic cover, with cover page and dedication page then, customs, child birth and raising children, rituals etc.  I could have spent the afternoon just looking through those papers, which means I will go back to sit.

The library he is building to hold water and have guest stay.  The water system is going to be rain collection then piped to where it is needed.

He is also an artist.  The statues are what I want to share with you now.




P1020594 This is a Gurene in full dress.


P1020595This is his Grandmother with the traditional pipe they used in ceremonies.


P1020596Here is the head of the house protecting his property from intruders.


P1020597Mother or young girl of the family pounding to make dinner.


P1020598Bring water to the kitchen. Dawn in back ground with artist and Rob yes I just got his hat!!!


P1020599Same picture but wanted to show you the baby on her back. Still do it exactly the same way today.


Will continue on the next blog.  Enjoy, Barbara

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More Kids playing


Okay so this is literal .. little twin kids getting breakfast as I walk be to go to the Craft Center


P1020561This is a game all the children and adults play.  Ronny I got the board one for you since I know you would not dig holes in the ground and go hunt up shea nuts under the tree and clean them for the parts of the game.  Where there is a desire to play you will find a way without money just a little of your time.


P1020569The children were outside their parents “spot” (a local word for bar) and I saw the baby with 2 fingers in his mouth sucking on it.  Carlos saw the camera and wanted in to.   This baby you saw in my blog when he was just days old, covered with powder he has grown so much.


P1020584Here the neighborhood children were playing in a crate using their engine noises like a car but when they saw me they ran out so they could have their pictures taken..Paul on the left sans clothes as usual, Brenda with her big eyes, Amena with her laugh going, and Tahiru’s other child (can’t remember his name) that is the same age as Amena but you can tell his Mother has had him in the market where she sells, because he is afraid of nothing or no one.  His and Amena’s laugh is so much alike.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Neighbor and Housemate

P1020540Look at my Dance, have Bubba’s shoes on and a Bob’s RV Store T-Shirt –Time to hit the streets- Name PAUL


P1020515The sweet looking good Paul!


P1020514The real Paul.  I just love him to death.  He will come running to give me a death grip hug around the knees!!!

P1020517Sweet Innocent Amenia – she has the best laugh ever and never hesitates to use it.  She can now say Barbara and patty cake game which was so foreign to her at the beginning now pats and rolls with her wrist. 


P1020516The real Amenia full of smiles and mischief. 

Those that know me know I love the children.  You never know what they will do but are not but they are never boring

More Children

P1020282Here is my house most days.  The children all know I have books and they will come and read.  The treat the books nice but the hands…..When they come to the door is sounds like booo ks.  Pick your boooo ks. 


P1020507                                                    P1020508

Caught these boys walking down the street in Bolga.  They were thrilled to have their picture taken even though they did not understand I thought their toys were awesome.  These are motor oil cans, tomatoes sauce cans, put together to make a pull toy car.  Wonderful!!!


P1020477I have to read all the shirts I come across.  They are from all over the world.  There is a cart that is pulled through the market stacked high with clothes.  You dig through and find things for 25 peswas sometimes 50 peswas.  Have not idea where he got this but Emirates Airline clothing is everywhere.  Saw a Nebraska T-Shirt for an event at the University but they spelt Nebraska wrong so I guess they were sent here. 


P1020498Mommy is weaving at the Craft Center so I am laid down on a mat on the floor to sleep.  Before long he has company 4 ladies crawled on the mat and they all slept until it was time to go pay respects to family that had lost someone.  I can’t not believe the places they sleep, mats anywhere, benches, chairs I just could not actually go to sleep.



P1020476                                                                         P1020327


  At Basket Weaver Ceremony                                                                                                    Under tree at the Clinic