My last full day in the village the Blessing Basket Craft Center gave me a going away party. I have been so lucky to have so many people that were so welcoming to me. The village must have gotten together to make sure they were teasing me, catching up to me when I was "lost" and guiding me back, "disturbing" me when I failed in my Fra Fra language and teaching me about their culture. I hope they all know how much I appreciate them.

Here are the ladies that have learned about Americans being on time. I thank them for being right on time and being patient waiting for others to show including my Peace Corps friends that enjoying the Ghanaian way of showing up when you are ready.

I was so lucky to have so many families share their children and their lives with me.

These are a few of the men who do the leather on the baskets and Sam on the right that does the dying of the reeds. They definitely liked to tease me and fuss because I did not get the language.

Abdulai is the director of the Craft Center and he was very generous with his time to teach much about the baskets.

Here are a few of the women who are part of the clubs that make up the Blessing Baskets weavers.

My "speech" with my PCV friends supporting me. My time in Ghana would have been much harder without the friends I had in the Peace Corps.

A Toast to my friends in Nyariga, Ghana, Upper East. THANK YOU!!!!
I have loved this mat since I first came to the village. They know I love pink so they had this made for me. |
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James, a teacher at one of the schools, presented me a basket from the PTA at the school.

I can't tell you how wonderful these baskets are but they are special because they made them for me. Then it is time for the real party. The singing and dancing was wonderful. Thank you so much for this wonderful day.