Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Older post that did not get Posted
Sunday a lazy free afternoon. This morning we had breakfast at 7am then we had a lesson on how to bathe from a bucket. Dan and Mikey went down to their shorts and gave us a demo on how to bathe. From wash hair to washing the feet, amazing how little water you need to soap yourself up and take a cup like we do little ones to rinse. It started our day out with a laugh. Next up was washing your clothes. In Ghana a man could probably get a woman to wash for him and even small children know how to hand wash. We got a lesson on how to wash your clothes. Starting with the “ring around the collar” and believe me my vest coming back from our quest yesterday was a prime example, then arm pits, then the body of the garment. While we were doing this Mikey got a call from the guard at the home office in Kusami and he wanted to know what the group was doing. Mikey told him and he said no worries when you come back we wash your clothes no need for you to do it. Yeah rub it in.
It was hot work because we were in the sun plus it is time consuming. I think they are right about needing to keep up with it washing 2 times a week. Also, when you bathe you wash your underwear at that time and hang in your room not in the public.
EVERY meal has rice-sometime plain or seasoned or mixed with vegetables. Most meals have had fried chicken which is good but they cut it into very small pieces and then it is fried. Had fish balls last night-I just dipped them in the sauce. The sauces have not been as hot as I thought but at least it has flavor to add to the rice. Then fried plantains - they are addictive so sweet and crisp but the oil that is orange in my hand worries me. Today we had a veggy dish with a # of vegetables and beans all mixed together in a seasoning. I liked that. We had a drink that is oat milk still don’t get what it was but it was cold and tasted good.
Came back to a dark cloud so we sort of got the dryer clothes in the room and hoped the rest would be dry before it rained. WE had them hanging on the rails around the court yard, the chairs, and on the grass Did not rain just got hot and humid. Read some in my bed but even with breeze to hot inside so I am writing this in our garden and it has a large gazebo. Saw a couple of lizards one that had an orange head and was told it was the male of the species. We have a couple of bug people and they keep us all informed but I would NOT tell them I killed a spider in my room Ha!!!
Got our phones today it is now required everyone has a phone to help PC keep up with us or reach us in an emergency. I just got a sims card and a card to load it with minutes. Paid 1 cedis (about .45 ) for sims card and another 5 cedis for the minutes just don’t know how many that is until it is turned on. But I will have internet and phone just like at home. BUT we are in Ghana and it still has not been turned on. We think when they did 26 phones at the same time the system was overloaded. So calling maybe………
It is cheaper for me to call than for you to call so I will when I can. Going to go study again my greeting in Twi so I won’t look at the instructor tomorrow like he is nuts asking me a question. Hope all is well at home but don’t count on anything being consistent from me. I can’t even charge my computer now and not sure when we will see an internet cafĂ© again.
Another week is almost ended
Another week is almost ended.
It is Friday night and I am so tired. This whole week we had Language for 6 hrs a day then technical for 2 hrs a day. Language we had to catch a taxi at 7 am to get to glass by 8 am. We were early all week. We ate our lunch at the church where 6 of us studied Gurune. The 4 young people in the class have caught on so fast, all of them have at least one more language at hand. Then there is Dennis and I who have only English and age against us. Ha! The other PCTrainees have been great though. After Technical this afternoon a trainee, Dawn, came to my house and we sat on the porch while it rained and we through notes and tried out conversations. Ran has offered to come over tomorrow night and help me. I am so grateful.
This is counting just for those who think I am nuts:
1. Ayima
2. Bayi
3. Bata
4. Banassi
5. Banuu
6. Bayoobi
Okay your turn!!!
We went to the nearby forest for a hike and lecture on the trees. Most of the PCT in my group will be trying to encourage farmers to plant more trees on their land because the people have cut into the forest so much many of their trees are endangered and the erosion is awful. They want the trees to help with building a stronger soil and better crops. This will be slow since Ghanaians are not thrilled in changing the old ways. I have to be in the class since so many trainees will be directly involved with tree planting and helping the farmers.
We will be in language tomorrow Saturday then for Tech we are coming to my house to building a clay stove. My little sister got everything ready for tomorrow because her Uncle is being buried tomorrow. I still have MUCH to learn about death rites here. Apparently, he died 3 months ago but the funeral was not planned to be held until tomorrow. Then in two weeks will be the big celebration. I will miss out on all of it. I would like to help out here at the house but I will be in class or traveling when things happen here. The girls have talked to me about the rituals to get him to Haven safely.
Sarah, remember the fish you had served to you in SPI when you were about 5 yrs. old. It came to the table with it head on and we had to send it back. Will today in my “mother” sent me a fish without its tail but everything else on it sitting in my plate with sweet plantains and a hot sauce that Uncle Bobby would approve of. It was given to the boys at the table. BUT the girls ate its eyes and gills YUK!!! I ate the fish and it was good but the rest of it could have gone to the garbage as far as I was concerned.
AT night I am so worn out from sitting and trying to THINK that I can hardly wait for my shower and homework to be over so I can go to sleep. It is 8 pm now and I am so ready to crawl under my net and go to sleep. I was up at 4:30 am waiting for light so I could wash my clothes and get them hung up before I left this am because our free day is going to the Falls. I am so excited to get out and take a hike just hope the humidity will be gone for the day. It seems to rain every night for a little while. But all this sitting is taking its tole on me. I try to stretch a little before I get out of bed but I am screaming for my Yoga back in AUSTIN.
I sent Ron a text message about this. My Ghanaian friend that comes by to talk a couple of times a week was here tonight. We were talking about taxes and he said in Ghana they have a saying “Paying taxes is like pulling a hair from your nose”. Think that about says it all.
Every morning, as I walk the trail to town the children run with me Hollering Obruni Obruni. I have about 10 of them saying Barbara now but they get so much fun from it and they laugh all the way to the taxi station. Today there was a precious little girl with her pants turned wrong side out and dirty maybe 3-4 and she walked by me with a big smile. She continued pass the taxi station and down a main street. While waiting, here she comes back-she had been sent to the store to buy something and was on her way back home. Can you imagine sending an American little girl to town that little and expect everything to be alright? The children have so much responsibility here and just take it in stride with a great smile on their face, yelling Obruni!!!!
To Ans Questions
To answer a few questions
Lisa is getting questions from all of you so I am going to try and answer a few for you.
1. Yes the people are very sweet and they really do want to help you with your language, if you are lost, or if you want information. They NEVER refuse you even if they are working.
2. Yes they brush their teeth and they are beautiful. If they had corrective dentistry like we do they would be unbelievable. Part of that is the contract between the skin and teeth.
3. Speaking of skin the children here holler obruniobruni and we stop and say no my name is Barbara. Sometimes they will try to say it with you. But they all want to touch our white skin, get a hug, or talk to you. They will walk me to the taxi stand in the morning asking me questions or just laughing as we go. These are little ones standing on their porch to the ones on their way to school in their uniforms.
4. Yes I do take a bucket bath. Each time I figure something else I can do different to make it more efficient since I also must wash my underwear at the same time because underwear cannot be in the regular wash nor can it be hung up in the courtyard. Some PCV’s are complaining about itchy skin and it probably is the soap is not off the skin and now it has dried. The water is so soft because they use rainwater that has run off into a container. The last 4 nights baths have been freezing because we have had rain and the water is soooo cold. But Robin my hair is doing beautifully with this water.
5. Yes, I have an outhouse that is not the most thrilling thing to deal with. It does not seem to stink as bad as port a potties do at home. Jennifer, my homestay Mom, really keeps it clean so I have not had flies or spiders when I have gone in. I have had two lizards that I had to shoo out before I would close the door. I bought my toilet paper because they did not have any in the outhouse but I think they must bring it with them also when they come but I have never seen them. Thank goodness I have not had the stomach problems yet. I am dreading using the outhouse in that shape. About 5 PCV’s are “running” as their homestay Mom’s say and one guy was really sick but he is on the mend also.
6. No I have a room but there is not a living room or kitchen in our compound. They cook, clean dishes, chop wood, wash clothes, iron everything outside in the courtyard that is gravel or on the porch that has shelter on it. When it is raining they go on this porch until it is over. I stand on my porch and sometimes drag a chair over so I can eat outside because usually my room is so hot I have to wait until the night is cool. They have a refrigerator and it has been nice for my ice to freeze for my ankle to have ice on it.
7. I can get phone mins., fruit, a doughnut type roll, cold water, in sachets, flip flops, toilet paper etc in the little stalls downtown on the main road. One of the PCV’s Mom owns a stall so we try to visit her when we need something.
8. Food is not as spicy as they told us OR they told our Mom’s to say calm with it until we get use to it. I told my Mom I like fish and it is probably in at least one meal a day. Fruit is not something they must buy often – does not seem that expensive-but PC has told them American’s like their fruit so I have had pineapple, banana, apple and watermelon. Today one Mom sent for lunch a lunch pail full of watermelon and sent 5 oranges. No real food. But they send so much to us one of the boys that is “running” gave her some of his food and we shared some of her fruit. Everyone Happy!!!! They do not waste food so I have to be careful to put everything I want onto a plate and eat that then add if I want more because they take back my dishes and use what is left. Remember these people a struggling to get by and have lived through an awful famine and fires in the 80’s and they all remember having NOTHING until the relief vehicles from the UN came by to give out food.
9. The Houses are cinder block with a real cheap cement plaster (similar to homes in Mexico). I do have electricity one plug at the door for everything. I bought a converter that will fit everything but my computer with its ground. One of the guys said he would help me pull off the ground so it will fit. I have a bed fitted with a net a table two chairs and a sm cabinet that has a mirror on it. The small table (like a coffee table) is where my fan is-I eat there, have my books there, and I put my feet up there when I study. The floor is linoleum fairly new that is laid not glued down. It was very clean when I got here but I have trouble keeping the dirt out. She had me buy “slippers” (flipflops) but I forget and wear my shoes in or wear the flip flops when I walk in and the floor is sandy. I have a stick broom I will get you a picture that I sweep the floor. They use the same type of broom in the courtyard where they sweep the dirt every day to keep it looking clean.
10. I have a yard full of chickens, goats, ducks with babies. The goats are all about the size of Erika’s yorkie. The old Grandma, in her 80’s, I guess spends her day yelling at them to get away from the dishes, or pots and pans. They love to get close to fire when something is cooking. They are always shooooed out of the garden one little boy about Justin’s age shooed one with a machete! You can imagine what I asked. This same little boy before he goes to school starts a fire, fans it and cooks his and his sister breakfast in the pan so they could eat before they leave. My stayhome Mom is up most mornings by 4:30 am getting things going. Her sister chops wood for the two or three fires they use for cooking, washes clothes or dishes, peels and chops so she can make fufu or vegetables she brings back from her farm that she goes to each Sat. to work. On top of that she worries about me. Do I need water to wash my hands? What do I want to eat? Do I need to send a lunch with you? When will you be back home tonight? See a MOM!
From New Tafo Ghana Sunday
Just got back from the falls. It felt so good to get out and sweat, breath hard and walk. We have been sitting for almost a month in classes. The falls were beautiful in a remote part of the country. We were in a little bit of a hilly area so we could see a long way across plantain fields trees and lots of green.
Yesterday we had a tech class on building a clay oven. They did it at my home stay in the courtyard. I did not get my hands into it but some had to push a stick into the clay that was dug up from the side of the house to get it mixed together with water. They then built the oven with a hole for the smoke and the front open just enough to put in the sticks and a pot to fit on it exactly. The PCT made clay heads and put it in the front but when we left my "mom" took the faces off because it was scary. They were frighten by the look of the heads so they did not want them on there.
Ran, one of the trainees in my class came over to help with language for awhile. Dawn, came over the night before to help me. We did an exercise yesterday where we tried to pass into another country at the border from Ghana and had to answer his questions using Gurune only. I would go a little way then had to talk myself through in English. OH MY. I have a blog written about it on my USB but I have to save it differently because this machine does not reconize Microsoft 2010 imagine that!!! so after class tomorrow I will bring my computer in to get it done and send another post.
My family lost the brother son etc 3 months ago but they buried him yesterday and family and friends came ALL dressed up to visit.. It start at 6 am yesterday - then I went to class - and more came last night to more visits.
It started again at 6 am and the Grandma was so sad. there were so many people and I had to catch a taxi at 7 am so I left with my lunch.The dress is beautiful to see. White and black or red and black is what they wear. There is another service in 2 weeks but I will be traveling so I will miss that then the finally celebration is Dec 16 and I leave for site on the 15th.
We are still working on my site since it does not have electricity. I am going to check out the conditions in two weeks and if it won't work PC said my contact will help me house hunt. Should be an exciting . then I will have 3 months to get into the town starting in Dec. I am excited about the group I will be working with. I will write another blog about what I know.
Another week of 6 hrs of language a day and 2 hrs of tech then we leave on our Month trip next sunday. Everyone says at night we will have language sessions so we won't forget while we travel.
Typing on the internet cafe computer my hands are sticky since I am so hot that is the reason not always typed right. Stay patient with me.
Yesterday we had a tech class on building a clay oven. They did it at my home stay in the courtyard. I did not get my hands into it but some had to push a stick into the clay that was dug up from the side of the house to get it mixed together with water. They then built the oven with a hole for the smoke and the front open just enough to put in the sticks and a pot to fit on it exactly. The PCT made clay heads and put it in the front but when we left my "mom" took the faces off because it was scary. They were frighten by the look of the heads so they did not want them on there.
Ran, one of the trainees in my class came over to help with language for awhile. Dawn, came over the night before to help me. We did an exercise yesterday where we tried to pass into another country at the border from Ghana and had to answer his questions using Gurune only. I would go a little way then had to talk myself through in English. OH MY. I have a blog written about it on my USB but I have to save it differently because this machine does not reconize Microsoft 2010 imagine that!!! so after class tomorrow I will bring my computer in to get it done and send another post.
My family lost the brother son etc 3 months ago but they buried him yesterday and family and friends came ALL dressed up to visit.. It start at 6 am yesterday - then I went to class - and more came last night to more visits.
It started again at 6 am and the Grandma was so sad. there were so many people and I had to catch a taxi at 7 am so I left with my lunch.The dress is beautiful to see. White and black or red and black is what they wear. There is another service in 2 weeks but I will be traveling so I will miss that then the finally celebration is Dec 16 and I leave for site on the 15th.
We are still working on my site since it does not have electricity. I am going to check out the conditions in two weeks and if it won't work PC said my contact will help me house hunt. Should be an exciting . then I will have 3 months to get into the town starting in Dec. I am excited about the group I will be working with. I will write another blog about what I know.
Another week of 6 hrs of language a day and 2 hrs of tech then we leave on our Month trip next sunday. Everyone says at night we will have language sessions so we won't forget while we travel.
Typing on the internet cafe computer my hands are sticky since I am so hot that is the reason not always typed right. Stay patient with me.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Started my Language Class
I have found little more about my site but I was told they are sending a rep to the site to check it out for me since it has been 2 years since their has been a PCV there. I have done a little research here but can't find out about internet electricity my main concerns so hopefully I will get a call in the next couple of days.
My new language is Guerne and am not sure how much harder it will be. soo looking into the future for now.
I spent the weekend washing clothes, making my room a little more livable. Getting out of the suitcases. I took my cards out and taught the kids how to play war and go fish. I started with my little sister and it it grew the neighborhood kids saw us and they wanted to play too! Such fun and they laugh at everything. I love it.
Me and Faustino washing clothes Sunday am she does not think I am very good. Look in the back ground the clothes hanging up. Guess that would make Jack happy Ha!!!
My new language is Guerne and am not sure how much harder it will be. soo looking into the future for now.
I spent the weekend washing clothes, making my room a little more livable. Getting out of the suitcases. I took my cards out and taught the kids how to play war and go fish. I started with my little sister and it it grew the neighborhood kids saw us and they wanted to play too! Such fun and they laugh at everything. I love it.
Enjoy the pictures. I am having a very Learning experience at the moment it is patience I am dealing with. ONe step at a time right. My stayhome family is so sweet and so caring about everything I do. They are constantly wanting to see if I need something. My Mother carried a huge bag of water on her head and then she put a fan in a box on top of that and carried it on her head from town so I would have a fan from now on YES it is hot. I sweat so much!!!! Food not bad slowed down for a few days afraid I was getting something but that is gone so I just will slowly add in the sauces which are good and help with the dryness of the veggies.
Guess that is it for now. Will write when I can. Miss all of you. BArbara
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Hello from New Tafo
WE have been at a seminar this day Sat. and let us go after our assignments were given.
Let me tell you about homestay. Family of women Gma, Mother Sister, two dau and niece and nephew. I have elec but water is rain water and outdoor toliet and shower. They have been very help getting me settled and trying to fix food to please me. I will take some pictures of my room in a compound. Lots of goats chickens ducks with baby's. Town is very poor and little shops line the street. The sell fruit, vegs
shoes, soap TOLIET paper, etc. People are unbelievably friendly and helpful. They so want us to do good and have an enjoyable visit. All the things we have heard of Ghanians has been very true. We have had a few things not work smooth but it is handled very quickly by PC and the Vol gets what is needed - a fan, a lock on the door etc.
We have been having language classes and I am just having to push myself to use the words. I do better when I meet the children and we share words. They do beautifully in English. They learn but English and Twi in school.
My village has two major streets and then ???? type of streets or walk through someones yard by passing their goats chickens etc. Most homes try and stop you to at least practice your greetings. I am sure the community wants us to do well because 13 americans from PC is putting alot of money into the town.
My site was announced to day but I have a few questions that have to be answered before I give you any more details. Hopefully, I will let you know first of next week allllll the details.
I am going to try and get pictures on now lets see..... Lizard, Fellow Austinite Mikey is PCVL in Kumasi His Great Grandfather is where the Edwards Aquifer was named (small world),lunch good,at reception, bus going to reception, Getting plane in Germany.
Let me tell you about homestay. Family of women Gma, Mother Sister, two dau and niece and nephew. I have elec but water is rain water and outdoor toliet and shower. They have been very help getting me settled and trying to fix food to please me. I will take some pictures of my room in a compound. Lots of goats chickens ducks with baby's. Town is very poor and little shops line the street. The sell fruit, vegs
shoes, soap TOLIET paper, etc. People are unbelievably friendly and helpful. They so want us to do good and have an enjoyable visit. All the things we have heard of Ghanians has been very true. We have had a few things not work smooth but it is handled very quickly by PC and the Vol gets what is needed - a fan, a lock on the door etc.
We have been having language classes and I am just having to push myself to use the words. I do better when I meet the children and we share words. They do beautifully in English. They learn but English and Twi in school.
My village has two major streets and then ???? type of streets or walk through someones yard by passing their goats chickens etc. Most homes try and stop you to at least practice your greetings. I am sure the community wants us to do well because 13 americans from PC is putting alot of money into the town.
My site was announced to day but I have a few questions that have to be answered before I give you any more details. Hopefully, I will let you know first of next week allllll the details.
I am going to try and get pictures on now lets see..... Lizard, Fellow Austinite Mikey is PCVL in Kumasi His Great Grandfather is where the Edwards Aquifer was named (small world),lunch good,at reception, bus going to reception, Getting plane in Germany.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Emailing from Accra
We are on our Vision Quest and we had to come to Circle in Accra we left Valley View 7th Day Aventist College where we are in the dorms at 7:30 am and got to Circle at 9:45 with a transfer in Medina. Our first adventure.
Plane ride so long but they fed us like we were not getting food again for 2 yrs. Ha. Plane was an hr late so they held dinner for us - all I wanted was a bed but did eat. Imagine that. Our rooms are dorms with our own bathrooms and two beds. The courtyard is great. Have a couple of yoga people with us so it is going to be great during training to have some classes together - Diana I will let them see your class when I can get the computer charged again. Ha!!!
We have been through Accra (a craw soft a) 3 times now and that is interesting. Traffic is a night mare no wonder we are not allowed to drive. Once in town it was paved but where paved out of town is full of holes so bouncing is the name of the game. Linda, Jacqui, Marilyn remember the good bad and ugly? same here. We are at the end of rainy season so it is somewhat green but really we are in flats so close to the ocean.
Yesterday was medical - got shot - a ice bag for my ankle (coming off the plane it looked like I had elephant legs) malaria medicine, bug creme and sun screen. Then it was classes, classes, then lunch, security class, ride back to VView, then another security class, dinner, then class that was really a skit of our experience today on the Tros Tros (tro is way to say it) which was funny but it turned out to be true. Then we were given our quests today. I went to cold shower yes I have not seen hot yet put ice on foot then was asleep long before 9:00pm.
Woke so refreshed this am to the alarm at 6 am for breakfast at 6:45 eggs were very good but the bread is going to kill me it is sooooo good and thick. I am looking for peanut butter at market today.. Mikey said that it was so good peanut little salt and organic sounds just what I need. My group today is Megan, Terri and Suzanne. suzanne will stop and talk to anyone in the market so we have most of our quest down already including this internet cafe. One person we spoke to saw us walking and asked if we had found the internet yet. We said no and he said he would show us. He walked us to the door opened it for us and told us to have a good day. This is suppose to be norm in Ghana. I am happy about that.
Yesterday could not get phone unlocked so Daniel our PCVL took it to a PC driver he ran to town to a friend (but before he left he wrote my name on my battery and gave me my mico chip back just in case....) before afternoon class I had my phone back Daniel had tested it and I am hooked up to Ghania Network but I am sure it still has ATT so I will buy a sims card tomorrow then call.
My vest is the envy of everyone. the guys have pants with pockets but most everyone is carry a backpack so my hands free is good. The campus is safe so we have locked our rooms with our computer etc and left it for our quest today. Water is in like a zip lock bag that you tear the corner with your teeth then drink it . I put it in my container I brought and all is good. At Circle today I even got it ice cold. YEA!! At dinner last night we got a frozen package (like peas come in) but is was like an popcicle. Yummmy!!
There is 26 in our group only 5 business rest natural resources so I am thinking we will do business with the farmers or growers in the country. We start classes Monday interviews next week and more medical next week. Can't wait for another Hep B shot- Sarah don't you wish you could get one toooooo!!
When Tros Tros stops everything you can image is for sale - just like a drive through for dinner in US we can get snacks, drinks, cloth, etc from the tops of womens heads. Can't wait to get someone to teach me how to do that. They even run after tros tros if they need to give you change or if you still owe them. WOW!! They never lose their goods off their heads.
All for now computer time running out cost us about $1.25 for on hour on internet. Money just got better here for American money about 1.52 cedis for $1.00 so I exchanged a little more yesterday.
SO FAR SO WONDERFUL Talk to you soon.
Plane ride so long but they fed us like we were not getting food again for 2 yrs. Ha. Plane was an hr late so they held dinner for us - all I wanted was a bed but did eat. Imagine that. Our rooms are dorms with our own bathrooms and two beds. The courtyard is great. Have a couple of yoga people with us so it is going to be great during training to have some classes together - Diana I will let them see your class when I can get the computer charged again. Ha!!!
We have been through Accra (a craw soft a) 3 times now and that is interesting. Traffic is a night mare no wonder we are not allowed to drive. Once in town it was paved but where paved out of town is full of holes so bouncing is the name of the game. Linda, Jacqui, Marilyn remember the good bad and ugly? same here. We are at the end of rainy season so it is somewhat green but really we are in flats so close to the ocean.
Yesterday was medical - got shot - a ice bag for my ankle (coming off the plane it looked like I had elephant legs) malaria medicine, bug creme and sun screen. Then it was classes, classes, then lunch, security class, ride back to VView, then another security class, dinner, then class that was really a skit of our experience today on the Tros Tros (tro is way to say it) which was funny but it turned out to be true. Then we were given our quests today. I went to cold shower yes I have not seen hot yet put ice on foot then was asleep long before 9:00pm.
Woke so refreshed this am to the alarm at 6 am for breakfast at 6:45 eggs were very good but the bread is going to kill me it is sooooo good and thick. I am looking for peanut butter at market today.. Mikey said that it was so good peanut little salt and organic sounds just what I need. My group today is Megan, Terri and Suzanne. suzanne will stop and talk to anyone in the market so we have most of our quest down already including this internet cafe. One person we spoke to saw us walking and asked if we had found the internet yet. We said no and he said he would show us. He walked us to the door opened it for us and told us to have a good day. This is suppose to be norm in Ghana. I am happy about that.
Yesterday could not get phone unlocked so Daniel our PCVL took it to a PC driver he ran to town to a friend (but before he left he wrote my name on my battery and gave me my mico chip back just in case....) before afternoon class I had my phone back Daniel had tested it and I am hooked up to Ghania Network but I am sure it still has ATT so I will buy a sims card tomorrow then call.
My vest is the envy of everyone. the guys have pants with pockets but most everyone is carry a backpack so my hands free is good. The campus is safe so we have locked our rooms with our computer etc and left it for our quest today. Water is in like a zip lock bag that you tear the corner with your teeth then drink it . I put it in my container I brought and all is good. At Circle today I even got it ice cold. YEA!! At dinner last night we got a frozen package (like peas come in) but is was like an popcicle. Yummmy!!
There is 26 in our group only 5 business rest natural resources so I am thinking we will do business with the farmers or growers in the country. We start classes Monday interviews next week and more medical next week. Can't wait for another Hep B shot- Sarah don't you wish you could get one toooooo!!
When Tros Tros stops everything you can image is for sale - just like a drive through for dinner in US we can get snacks, drinks, cloth, etc from the tops of womens heads. Can't wait to get someone to teach me how to do that. They even run after tros tros if they need to give you change or if you still owe them. WOW!! They never lose their goods off their heads.
All for now computer time running out cost us about $1.25 for on hour on internet. Money just got better here for American money about 1.52 cedis for $1.00 so I exchanged a little more yesterday.
SO FAR SO WONDERFUL Talk to you soon.
Monday, March 19, 2007
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