Sunday, October 23, 2011

Another week is almost ended

Another week is almost ended.
It is Friday night and I am so tired.  This whole week we had Language for 6 hrs a day then technical for 2 hrs a day.  Language we had to catch a taxi at 7 am to get to glass by 8 am.  We were early all week.  We ate our lunch at the church where 6 of us studied Gurune.  The 4 young people in the class have caught on so fast, all of them have at least one more language at hand.  Then there is Dennis and I who have only English and age against us.  Ha!  The other PCTrainees have been great though.  After Technical this afternoon a trainee, Dawn, came to my house and we sat on the porch while it rained and we through notes and tried out conversations.  Ran has offered to come over tomorrow night and help me.  I am so grateful.
This is counting just for those who think I am nuts:
1.       Ayima
2.       Bayi
3.       Bata
4.       Banassi
5.       Banuu
6.       Bayoobi
Okay your turn!!!
We went to the nearby forest for a hike and lecture on the trees.  Most of the PCT in my group will be trying to encourage farmers to plant more trees on their land because the people have cut into the forest so much many of their trees are endangered and the erosion is awful.  They want the trees to help with building a stronger soil and better crops.  This will be slow since Ghanaians are not thrilled in changing the old ways.  I have to be in the class since so many trainees will be directly involved with tree planting and helping the farmers.
We will be in language tomorrow Saturday then for Tech we are coming to my house to building a clay stove.   My little sister got everything ready for tomorrow because her Uncle is being buried tomorrow.  I still have MUCH to learn about death rites here.  Apparently, he died 3 months ago but the funeral was not planned to be held until tomorrow.  Then in two weeks will be the big celebration.  I will miss out on all of it.  I would like to help out here at the house but I will be in class or traveling when things happen here.  The girls have talked to me about the rituals to get him to Haven safely.
Sarah, remember the fish you had served to you in SPI when you were about 5 yrs. old.  It came to the table with it head on and we had to send it back.  Will today in my “mother” sent me a fish without its tail but everything else on it sitting in my plate with sweet plantains and a hot sauce that Uncle Bobby would approve of.  It was given to the boys at the table.  BUT the girls ate its eyes and gills YUK!!!  I ate the fish and it was good but the rest of it could have gone to the garbage as far as I was concerned.
AT night I am so worn out from sitting and trying to THINK that I can hardly wait for my shower and homework to be over so I can go to sleep.  It is 8 pm now and I am so ready to crawl under my net and go to sleep.  I was up at 4:30 am waiting for light so I could wash my clothes and get them hung up before I left this am because our free day is going to the Falls.  I am so excited to get out and take a hike just hope the humidity will be gone for the day.  It seems to rain every night for a little while.  But all this sitting is taking its tole on me.  I try to stretch a little before I get out of bed but I am screaming for my Yoga back in AUSTIN. 
I sent Ron a text message about this.  My Ghanaian friend that comes by to talk a couple of times a week was here tonight.  We were talking about taxes and he said in Ghana they have a saying “Paying taxes is like pulling a hair from your nose”.  Think that about says it all.
Every morning, as I walk the trail to town the children run with me Hollering Obruni Obruni.  I have about 10 of them saying Barbara now but they get so much fun from it and they laugh all the way to the taxi station.  Today there was a precious little girl with her pants turned wrong side out and dirty maybe 3-4 and she walked by me with a big smile.  She continued pass the taxi station and down a main street.  While waiting, here she comes back-she had been sent to the store to buy something and was on her way back home.  Can you imagine sending an American little girl to town that little and expect everything to be alright?  The children have so much responsibility here and just take it in stride with a great smile on their face, yelling Obruni!!!!
About if for now can you hear my pillow?  Will send as soon as I can.  Miss everyone.  Love Barbara

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