Here's just random pictures from the day I left Bolga through my Thanksgiving weekend
Here's my Paul. He had to run to the house (his house is behind us) get him a bottle - we pumped the water from the bore hole and filled it up so he could be like me. I always carry my water -normally it is cold so they let me put it on their back or heads and they run yelling and come back for more.
Linda and I waiting for bus and yes they are holding the bench up with a toilet.
This little boy was going to Accra with us in the big bus but he was dressed to the nines.
As we were going down the road we had a band in the back of a truck.
Linda and Suzanne trying to decide what they could make, really just did
a hem for me but I was excited.
Here is just a very small sampling of the material at Global Mamas.
New restaurant in town. Will have to try it out and see what I think.
We gave the Ambassador and his wife one of my baskets filled with the different
projects our 2011- 2013 group is working with, Shea butter, dolls, material etc.
Yes we got a group picture with the Ambassador, Linda, Meg, Ambassador, Me and Suzanne.
Suzanne and I having fun seeing all our group plus the new friends we had made over the
last year.
Sweet Megan she is about 2 hrs from me but we can sometimes get together
in Bolga or Tamale.
My Upper East daughter, Emma, now lives down South. So far to
see her and here she is looking good.
Scott and I - he is 4th year PCV going to a knocking this weekend to ask his
girl friends parents for permission to marry. Although I think is is not a formal
engagement until more things are done but this is first step.
Went to craft show and these guys entertained.
The shakers on the left - have beads on top really pretty, and Suzanne got
some for her grandson's. Don't you know her daughter will be happy. Ha!!