Bonaswa, Joes, trois driver, younger brother, not sure, Lambert, Anjana, Asz
They are sitting in shade waiting for other boys to tire then they will got
harvest the rice. There are only so many gios (like a sickle)
thirsty and tired so on we went.
with a camera so they are not sure what to think.
1 acre. These boys are members of Abdulia’s family and are helping because the are suppose to
help the family.
Okay you take the camera and I will show you it can be done by
a white person and especially a lady (please don’t let me slice
my leg!!!)
of rice- Now they will take it to a cement spot and beat the hulls
will be taken with. The boys all wanted to pose on the moto king!!!
What a morning it was fun talking with the boys and learning how they
would help their family. They are so good to put up with me in the middle
of their work so I can figure out what they are doing. Hope you Sunday is wonderful!!
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