Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Nyiraga Volunteer Fire Dept.

I was walking this morning when I saw this fire.  I knew it was near the school so I found a trial heading that way.

When I came up the children were all outside beating the fire with branches, and the girls were bringing large pans

full of water putting it out.

Children Fighting FireI pulled this in and I hope you can see all the children working.

P1010771See the water being poured on the fire.

P1010772Here comes more water.  You might ask where are the teachers?  The two  I saw were on the porch watching the action.

As I walked away and spoke with the teachers I thought about how different it would have been at a school in American.  Always something to see when I walk and visit with neighbors.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Playing with kids at Bore Hole

It was so hot this afternoon I did things inside and read a lot.  About 4:30 I decided I had to get out so I went out and realized the “neighborhood” was outside by the borehole getting ready to do the wash.  The little girl Brenda that

is so afraid of me was carrying a little can (that hot chocolate comes in) on her head.  When I spoke to her she stopped and pulled her panties out of the can.  She was going to wash also.P1010741Here are the

small girls, Brenda and her cousin washing their clothes under the tree.  They are taught very young to start the wash.

P1010742She was standing like the big girls when I took the original picture but when I asked her to look at me she sat back down.  She does not have any panties on so I am guessing the three pair she had in her can was all her panties.

P1010743Lambert the young man that helps me with Fra Fra and Amena who lives with me were together so Amena’s mother could cook dinner.  She understands the camera now so he is holding her arm so she can not touch.  I think they are cousins.

P1010762Here is a small girl carrying a bucket of water this is her second that I saw her carry.  She is young but she is also doing the washing and showing me how it should go then has to stop to carry water I am assuming for her Mother but I am not sure.  Anyone can be asked to do these chores and they do not argue they just do it.

As Brenda’s mother pumps she has Brenda’s little brother on her back.  The brother likes me also notice he is smiling at me as I take his picture.

P1010759It has really gotten hot in the afternoons and they tell me this is nothing.  I maybe in trouble.  The other day I brought my washing out so I could play in the water.  Today under the shade tree it

was very pleasant.  Maybe spending lots of time under the tree. 


Amena and I played this morning and she discovered my skin up close.  She sort of picked my chest and arm and decided it was okay and forgot about it.  Pretty funny.  I taught her to shoo away the goat and birds.  So I guess it was a good day in Ghana.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Computer working again and it is to hot outside 99 degrees

P1010709Smoothing the bush cut boards to try to make them even and smooth, notice the workbench is a real bench but he put his hammer head under the foot because it was broken off and kept falling over.

P1010720The things was a little wiggly so he put in the braces in back but it was still a little wiggly and I was afraid it would fall over so no problem he wedged a piece of board again the wall and the shelves so now no problem them are stable.

P1010734So now all is off the floor and in a place-just have to cover with material to keep some of the dirt off.  You should have seen how brown the top of my green netting was.  Took it out and shook it now I am going to see how long until it is brown again.

P1010737This is front door to our house – so you see why there is so much dirt in the house.  The windows are the same way.  The only thing is with the stucco mud bricks etc. it is a little cooler than most houses inside.  Rob could not believe the difference from outside to inside when he came over.

About the end of pictures so I thought I better send them while the computer was acting nice.  Barbara

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Watching the Dying Process

The Secretary of the Craft Center called to say they would be dying for the new baskets if I wanted to watch.  So I went over to see how it was done.  Some of the ladies had started the baskets before they knew they were to be dyed so that is the reason some of the pieces going in were started.  They then laid them straight and reshaped them.

The big tub had water boiling when the dye master started working.  Yes the water all had to be fetched in the big buckets no running water.

P1010674The stick is what he stirs with as will as dips out the color with.  I guess you would call that far from exact measuring but he seems to know exactly how much to make yellow.P1010683Here the secretary (the one in the white shirt) and the ladies are looking at the dye job.

P1010689These are the ones they had started making, then dyed them, and now she is laying them so when they dry they are the right shape.  Did you know if a basket get misshaped all you do is get it damp and work it back into place, then let dry.  Watched a whole lot of baskets that had be squashed in the packing, get wet, shaped and dried right back where they wanted them.  Think of the baskets we have thrown away because their shape was gone.

When all the yellow was finished, the dye master added colors until he got the shade of brown he wanted and then they dyed all the brown pieces, then when that was done, more colors and out came the green pieces. 

P1010699Here, like Easter Eggs (they had NO idea what I was talking about dying Easter Eggs) we would have had different pots, for each color and would have measure exactly the amt needed that would have been calculated.  It is amazing that we would say primitive yet look at the beautiful baskets they make.

African Cup Ghana VS Botswana

My living room is the only TV close around to many families.  About 3:30 today I started getting company because the family was still at work.  Slowly slowyP1010700


this is what it turned into.  Reminds me of Super Bowl at home all the hollering and cheering.  This has been going on all week as all the teams try to win to top honors.

P1010704 Fun in Ghana is everywhere. 

Continuation of Post Because of slow connection

.P1010657_thumbI was in Zorco today to go to the market there. I met some young men yesterday and they said they would have some big wheel bikes for sale and I wanted to visit with Dawn so I went. The bikes were not there but we did find a pig and she was not too happy about it. Her baby got out

very fast when she saw us. Ha!!

P1010660_thumbThis little boy in Zorco came by to shows us his new truck. Yes it is a juice box that he fitted with wheels and cut outs. Great little toy.

P1010661_thumbI thought maybe you could see it better here.

Everything is so interesting and different here. In the market Zorco Mama (Dawn) and I were greeting and talking to everyone It was so exhausting. I got there about an hour before Dawn and the people were so worried that I could not

find my friend. They offered a seat every where for me I had to convince them I wanted to walk around. It was so much bigger than I had thought it would be since our market is two little booths under a tree. There was all kinds of things and as I was walking along an elderly lady came up to me and ask if I knew her. I was so surprised at myself I said yes you are Theresa and I met you on the Tros Tros. She was thrilled and walked me over to her booth to show me. I would have thought she would have had more material but it was nice to make her so happy.

Sometimes it is nice that people want to help you but sometimes it would be nice to walk around and no one want to greet you or shake your hand and welcome you. It gets to be a lot after awhile. We went back to Dawn’s and talked for awhile then I was starving. Her friend had come over and insisted on fixing us lunch. I tried very thing but she was going to do this. We sat down to eat with her and thank goodness no fish so I was able to eat a little but that sand crunch is just more than I can handle. I wish there was some way to tell if it is really sand.

Tomorrow is another day. See you later, Barbara

More Random Pics

P1010646Next time your spouse, child etc tells you their phone is cracked, broken or whatever, get this picture out.  This is a phone being charged at my house.  Notice not ONE of the numbers of up down bottom or anything else is here.  How it works is a mystery but he can make and receive calls plus he has music.


P1010652We all went to the bore hole to get water but when I saw Brenda (yes the little one that is so afraid of me) insist on her bottle and her cousin also I had to run and get my camera.  Notice the big yellow watering can on this little girls head, and the big bucket on the other girls head.  The mother with the wrap and checker skirt, is carry the baby on the back and water in each hand.  Most of the time she has the yellow can or wash basin on her head also.  They are so strong and do this at least 2 times a day most days more.


P1010654Lambert is the boy in the dark shirt-he is my teacher for Fra Fra at the moment and also my card playing partner.  Amenia, is a boys girl, she loves her Daddy and Uncle the best but just about any boy can pick her up and play with her.  Peter is Lambert’s little brother and this is the first time I have seen pants on him.  They are waiting for Williamson to come and get on his Moto – Amenia waits for him or screams for him most days when she hears the Moto coming.P1010657I was in Zorco today to go to the market there.  I met some young men yesterday and they said they would have some big wheel bikes for sale and I wanted to visit with Dawn so I went.  The bikes were not there but we did find a pig and she was not too happy about it.  Her baby got out

very fast when she saw us.  Ha!!

P1010660This little boy in Zorco came by to shows us his new truck.  Yes it is a juice box that he fitted with wheels and cut outs.  Great little toy.

P1010661I thought maybe you could see it better here.


Everything is so interesting and different here.  In the market Zorco Mama (Dawn) and I were greeting and talking to everyone It was so exhausting.  I got there about an hour before Dawn and the people were so worried that I could not

find my friend.  They offered a seat every where for me I had to convince them I wanted to walk around.  It was so much bigger than I had thought it would be since our market is two little booths under a tree.  There was all kinds of things and as I was walking along an elderly lady came up to me and ask if I knew her.  I was so surprised at myself I said yes you are Theresa and I met you on the Tros Tros.  She was thrilled and walked me over to her booth to show me.  I would have thought she would have had more material but it was nice to make her so happy.


Sometimes it is nice that people want to help you but sometimes it would be nice to walk around and no one want to greet you or shake your hand and welcome you.  It gets to be a lot after awhile.  We went back to Dawn’s and talked for awhile then I was starving.  Her friend had come over and insisted on fixing us lunch.  I tried very thing but she was going to do this.  We sat down to eat with her and thank goodness no fish so I was able to eat a little but that sand crunch is just more than I can handle.  I wish there was some way to tell if it is really sand.

Tomorrow is another day.  See you later, Barbara

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pictures from my life in Nyariga

P1010640Could not stand the bangs any longer.  Cut a little short but will be okay.  I had women coming off the street when they saw me getting my hair done.  No no please do not cut your hair it is so pretty, the color is real?, and I wish my hair was straight like yours.  All women same all over never happy with what we have.

P1010643This is Brenda.  She is terrified of me.  She starts shaking and screaming when I come near.  She did take a piece of banana from me but ran to the corner as fast as possible.  Will be harder to get her friendship but it WILLL happen.

P1010644This is Patience, my newest friend.  This is a picture of her shop she wanted me to take and show you.  She has two small children that did not get in the picture.  The yellow water can is my official chair.  She has invited me to eat.  Yes she sells straight black hair the girls sew into their corn rows.

P1010645This little girls lives a little ways behind my house.  This was her 4 or 5th load of water on her head this afternoon.  She sat by me for a while and we worked on English and Fra Fra.  She helped me carry one of my buckets this afternoon.  She told me she would come help me wash my clothes. Notice in the back ground a young man on his way home singing and dancing on his way.

P1010624Market day in our little town.  Yes that is a goat in a tub tied to the back of the bicycle he is for sale.

P1010625Birds tied to the bike handles as they are looked over to see if someone will buy them.  They can ride that way for miles including all the way into Bolga. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Living IN Ghana is a constant surprise

I have been stuck in the house for the Fri and Sat because of the wind blowing so much sand.  It has been awful and my allergies were having a field day even though I take my pills every single day because it is so dusty here.  I was sick my room so I got up to a fairly calm day and took off for a walk.  I thought a fine walk and little rest and back home.  But nothing here is like I think it will be.

I left at 8:30 and took the short cut my neighbor had told me about.  Basically follow the path and stay East.  Well because a friend gave me a compass I could do that without problem.  Of course this is Ghana so I choose to ask just about everyone if I was right.  All agreed I was but a few kept saying I should have a bike.  Can’t be that far my friend that lives 30 miles north took the Vea Dam road home from Bolga and she said it was pretty close.  Getting a little worried at 1 hr. 30 mins. but kept being reassured by all those that walked past me I was going right.  I found the main road got off the short cut and found a little town.  Lots of people out going to church and they all assured me just down the road.  A friend texted me about this time and I was reading the text when I heard a moto.  It seemed pretty close so I turned to see and where this lump in the road came from I will never know but when I saw how close he was I went to step back away and ended up on my butt then back.  He of course kept going but all the towns people were “Oh so sorry” over and over.  I got up laughing what else do you do?  Brushed myself off and kept in the same direction.

A young girl came out of a path and walked with me her going to church me going to the dam.  And then it was there-unbelievable not at all what I expected.

P1010626Here is a dirt road dam with water as far as I can see.P1010631The wind was blowing so it even had little waves.

There was a young man with his little boy and a group of sheep at the edge where he had just put in a row boat.  It was such a peaceful place.  If I had had a friend and a picnic I would have been all set.  It was so worth the 1 1/2 hr. walk. 

THEN  I met some girls waiting for a lorry.  I told them I was going back to the path (hoping I could find it) and go back to the house.  They said they would walk with me and we had to go over the dam.  I saw I thought Nyirga was back the way I had come.  They said no we would go to the junction.  I ask where they were going and they said the junction to get a lorrie to Bolga.  I explained I did not want to go to Bolga I wanted to go to Nyirga.  They said yes yes the Junction.  Will there is a junction here where we catch the lorrie so I that the road would wind around to it.  It did sort of wind but my compass and the sun worried me but I kept asking and they kept saying yes.  We walked for a little over and hour and we got to A junction.  There was a lorrie but it was going to Bolga and no one knew how to tell me how to go home.  So  I knew I knew how to get home from Bolga. and thank goodness I thought to put my wallet in my backpack because Bolga here I come.  When we were in the lorrie I turned to the one girl that spoke pretty good English and asked her why she brought me here when I had told her where I wanted to go.  She said oh no that too far you get a lorrie from Bolga to home.  So apparently they decided I would never make it home walking so they took it upon themselves to get me straight.  Ha!!!

I got the text (when I fell) from a PCV that had brought my medicine to me from her meeting.  She said she would leave it at the travelers inn (an eating drinking spot we all meet at and has an envelope for us to leave things in for each other), but I called her and said surprise I am in town.  Meet everyone Brittany, Ran, Laure, Emma, and Mellissa to talk over things and get my medicine.  By this time I was starving so Melissa took me to a new restaurant and I ate like it had been weeks. Ha!!!  Then went to lorrie station and my friend was there and put me in the front seat again (love when someone takes care of you) and I sat for an Hour waiting for it to fill up so we could leave. 

Oh how I wish I had a bath tub to soak in-maybe the baby would share hers.  Hopefully, my hot tea kettle of water in a bucket can make it all better. 

Would do it again for the chance to experience the dam.  Will be walking there again but not for a few days.

Jack the picture here is for you:

P1010635When the girls walking said we were in Goree I asked them to repeat the name of the town, they did and then I saw the sign.  Could not believe all the way over here and it is another Goree.  Spelling little different. Ha!!!  But probably the same size as it is now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pictures from my walk

P1010596When I was walking I ran into these two boys with bicycle tires they were pushing and watching them roll.   We were at the junction where the dry season farming is taking place.

P1010598Found this lady next to the road pounding millet and was pouring it over and over so the wind would take out the husks.  All she is suppose to have left with is the seeds themselves which she will pound into flour.P1010599These children followed me down the street.  The little boy next to the girl in green had such an unbelievable laugh.  I would just laugh listening to him.  Notice the herniated belly button.  Soooo many children have them here in the Upper East.

P1010608Here I am practicing my sewing so maybe in the next 2 years I can earn my Certificate to become a seamstress.  Notice we are outside next to the dusty road, the machines are from China, and they have a hand wheel to turn the needle.  I did fix the bobbin on one machine because the girls did not know ho

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Another day Learning about my Job

P1010569Here I am washing my lunch dishes in the front yard. Had last of blackeyed peas and rice, with  a salad –cabbage, tomatoes, green peppers (for some reason I can eat them here), carrots, and onions.


P1010577My friend Clements invited me to the big soccer game this morning.  On the way I ran into a number of donkey’s even a very hungry little one.

P1010579When I found a shady spot on the field I found all the seats taken-look on the branches of the trees so I stood for the 1st 1/2.

P1010583The young man in yellow shirt is Clement and is one that invited me with “ so sorry so late but could you come watch the game over there this morning?”.  Look at his feet he does not have shoes but that did not stop him running up and down the field, hitting with his head, or kicking that ball way down field.

Today after the 1st half of the game I found a ride to Zorko to go visit Dawn and see her town and meet and greet with her.  I found her under the trees with a group of people visiting.  I set and visited for awhile then we went to her house.  She said she was going to cook for us and we had a wonderful soup.  We did have two bowls but only one spoon so do we eat in shifts or

P1010585Dawn got the short straw and got the BIG spoon.  Good job Dawn.

After lunch we visited in town and then decided maybe I should start looking for a ride.  A taxi came by and I went to get in.  When I was the 7th in the car the driver said 2 cedis, I said no to much, he said 2 cedis so I got out of the cab.  We are talking about a 10-15 min ride down the road-it does not cost that much to get all the way to Bolga.  So we waited for a while and decided to start walking.  We walked all the way to Nyariga almost 2 hours.  We took a wrong road for where I live so an older guy got his bicycle and walked us to my house then road his bike back home.  I did buy him some pure water to say thank you.

Another day as a volunteer learning the ropes and greeting all those that I see.  Did learn a little about the area and where some of the basket weavers live.  Two ladies came out to street (they all seem to know when Salamer white people are in the area)  and knew exactly where I lived because they are weavers for my landlord.  Oh the small town life.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Day in the Life

This am started as usual, cup of tea, checking email, facebook, washing a few clothes, and today waiting to hear from my Counterpart when we would be going to Bolgatanga to visit some gov’t offices, assembly people Etc. I was not given the list of people so I was just going to “ meet” my main job for a few months.  He came over at 9:30 to let me know since yesterday was a holiday no one was in office or they were to busy today so we would do later in the week, BUT tomorrow he would make appts., to see the chief and another local dignitary for tomorrow.  We shall see.

Since it was mkgt. day in my town and I had never been I wanted to see if I could save a trip into Bolga.  Well NO, there was no vegetable I  knew (there was a beautiful green that they called what sounded like bitter green but they could only tell me to make a stew – asked if it was like spinach but got no explanation so I will keep hunting because it looked like it could have lots of good vitamins Etc. in it.

So I walked back to the Craft shop and told them I would come and go because I needed to go to Bolga.  I did greet everyone and tried to remember names, got lots of laughs and left.

Got things I needed and walked to the junction to wait for a cab.  Dawn texted and wanted to know if I was going in and said she had already been waiting for a cab 1 hrs.  I was so excited to see a cab at the junction and we only needed 2 more people so we could leave with yes 7 people in a 5 person car w/out any rear lights and I could see through the door frame of the driver plus his seat was at a 45 degree angle.  BUT I was on my way to Bolga.

No one answered my texts as to being in town so I went through my errands trying to set up my house, sealed containers, colander, cutting board real fun stuff.  Still no answer to my text so I walked by the banks and the local watering hole for “white” people but no luck.  So I was getting excited about a piece of meat for lunch so I got my chick en leg = see attached.  Rob, Brittany and Dawn were in the food mkgt. area so I joined them.  Got all kinds of veggies, even got 6 eggs for 1 Gh cedis 80 pesewas.  No eggs in my village but plenty of chickens – I guess they all turn into chicks.

Dawn headed for the bank so I finished up and headed for the tros tros.  When I walked up an old gentlemen hollered “Oh my Nyariga friend, Welcome”  It was so sweet.  He said wait and he tried to get me on but the tros tros was full.  He said no problem you wait for another car I get you on in front.  I just laughed and said okay.  He then proceeded to get me to talk Fra Fra With him.  He introduced me to everyone that came by and had me practice.  It was so funny, because he would laugh every time I said something.  I called Dawn but she was still in line (have I mentioned how much we hate banking in Ghana?) so I told him to save her one in the next tros tros.  Of course we had to wait for the top to be loaded with beer-the top was lined with the plastic containers with bottles in them so I knew we would not crash this time because they would have died rather than let even one bottle break.

I told my driver I would alight in Nyariga and he asked me if I lived with Tie hero (my spelling and pronunciation).  When I said yes and asked how he knew.  He said a new volunteer was living with him and he figured I was the one.  He does not live in my town.  Anyway, when I got out and went around the vehicle two little boys were running as fast as they could to fight over my bags to carry them for me.  One was very heavy but they insisted they could handle it.  These are the same boys who CAN NOT carry my water, because boys don’t do that.

When I came into my room they stopped by the door and set everything down and said they would play the game and come out when I could.  So I put what I had to up then went to watch them play.  They will all be in school next week and I will miss all their Fra Fra- English help. 

While fetching water a young man came up to get his water.  He is a teacher here and introduced himself.  He told me where he lives across the field from me, and said I could come get him anytime I needed help with my English.  I told him I was thinking about a tutor – maybe someone who needed to practice their English.  He said school starts next week and he will think if there is a child that could help me.  Today while waiting for my ride home he came over and smiled and asked if I knew him.  I said yes not his name but that he was a teacher.  He smiled ear to ear and said he had to get back on tros tros because he was going on it.

Have I told you how nice everyone is??  They take an interest in everything that is going on around them and want to help.  My friend in Canada emailed me that she read that Ghana was the 5th happiest country in the world, Canada was 28th.  I can say that I have not problem with the statistic.  I have met a mother of 3 – one on her back the other two following her and she can speak very little English but she has decided I am her new friend and makes a point to stop by the house each time she comes for water to say hello with a great big smile on her face.  I will try to get a picture of her tomorrow.  It was to dark tonight.

Not sure what is next but with such nice people at least you don’t have to worry about that (unless you are banking and again I HATE BANKING IN GHANA!!!) and it is exciting to see who you will meet and talk to next.

Enjoy the pictures on the next blog because I am using my computer modem and it is not too fast.

Pictures of Children

P1010559Getting a watermelon out of the field to share with each other

P1010555Children from the compound I have been playing with and yes the middle girl has a baby on her back.

P1010561Its about 6 pm and we are all getting water.  This is my new friend with her smallest child asleep on her back while she is pumping water.

Pictures from the Market in Bolgatanga

P1010564Didn’t know this is where Bob and Justin gets their spare parts

P1010566Where I get my fresh bread

P1010567Waiting for Tros Tros to fill up this is a Mercedes!! Taxi next to it is loading up also.

P1010565My lunch today with Meat yes that is a leg where the meat on the leg is is anyone’s guess They cook there meat way past the point of done I have even eaten the skin because it is so crisp. Meat once a week and eating the skin won’t kill me RIGHT???? The cabbage, carrots, green pepper on the side is soooo good.

My friend’s are trying to get me to buy meat at the market and it will be alright until I get home and put it in the fridge.  Just can’t look at that meat being butchered and then expect to go home and eat it.