Next time your spouse, child etc tells you their phone is cracked, broken or whatever, get this picture out. This is a phone being charged at my house. Notice not ONE of the numbers of up down bottom or anything else is here. How it works is a mystery but he can make and receive calls plus he has music.
We all went to the bore hole to get water but when I saw Brenda (yes the little one that is so afraid of me) insist on her bottle and her cousin also I had to run and get my camera. Notice the big yellow watering can on this little girls head, and the big bucket on the other girls head. The mother with the wrap and checker skirt, is carry the baby on the back and water in each hand. Most of the time she has the yellow can or wash basin on her head also. They are so strong and do this at least 2 times a day most days more.
Lambert is the boy in the dark shirt-he is my teacher for Fra Fra at the moment and also my card playing partner. Amenia, is a boys girl, she loves her Daddy and Uncle the best but just about any boy can pick her up and play with her. Peter is Lambert’s little brother and this is the first time I have seen pants on him. They are waiting for Williamson to come and get on his Moto – Amenia waits for him or screams for him most days when she hears the Moto coming.
I was in Zorco today to go to the market there. I met some young men yesterday and they said they would have some big wheel bikes for sale and I wanted to visit with Dawn so I went. The bikes were not there but we did find a pig and she was not too happy about it. Her baby got out
very fast when she saw us. Ha!!
This little boy in Zorco came by to shows us his new truck. Yes it is a juice box that he fitted with wheels and cut outs. Great little toy.
I thought maybe you could see it better here.
Everything is so interesting and different here. In the market Zorco Mama (Dawn) and I were greeting and talking to everyone It was so exhausting. I got there about an hour before Dawn and the people were so worried that I could not
find my friend. They offered a seat every where for me I had to convince them I wanted to walk around. It was so much bigger than I had thought it would be since our market is two little booths under a tree. There was all kinds of things and as I was walking along an elderly lady came up to me and ask if I knew her. I was so surprised at myself I said yes you are Theresa and I met you on the Tros Tros. She was thrilled and walked me over to her booth to show me. I would have thought she would have had more material but it was nice to make her so happy.
Sometimes it is nice that people want to help you but sometimes it would be nice to walk around and no one want to greet you or shake your hand and welcome you. It gets to be a lot after awhile. We went back to Dawn’s and talked for awhile then I was starving. Her friend had come over and insisted on fixing us lunch. I tried very thing but she was going to do this. We sat down to eat with her and thank goodness no fish so I was able to eat a little but that sand crunch is just more than I can handle. I wish there was some way to tell if it is really sand.
Tomorrow is another day. See you later, Barbara
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