Friday, October 26, 2012

To continue our morning Celebrating Eid al-Adha

After everyone is dressed, and that is no easy thing when there is over 30 people in and out of our house not than anyone thinks anything of walking through in a towel and dripping water, or putting on their top and no pants (I threaten to take pictures but they thought I was serious!!!) , I wanted pictures outside.

I hope those that follow see all our new furniture and new floor covering.  They came last night bringing it and I was ready to decorate and get rid of TV.  The children had a fit so I left it to them.  This morning all was set up, (yes with ear plugs and being so tired I slept through it all)  including a hole already put in the floor covering.  But it was fun to have something to sit on while they got ready this am.  And yes TV was gone but I hear it on with the kids that did not go to mosque.

P1030007Everyone in immediate family ready to go.

P1030015Ella, Senior wife, is having so much fun.  If I am not mistaking she was the shopper for the family.  She danced all over the floor and you felt her happiness.


Getting assistance with ear rings and head piece then finished look. Ha!!!


Here they are ready to leave!!! Tieheru with Senior Wife, Tolota, with youngest and oldest daughters.


Oldest son and oldest son with Tiehru’s brother, Mubarack

P1030038All climbed into a Trois to go to Mosque.

Beautiful clothes, wonderful smiles, lots of laughs so like home and yet So….different!! of course holiday meaning was not even close but the celebration was just as much fun.  Notice children in back seeing the camera and wanting in the pictures!!!

Will follow day and send up dates.  Enjoy!!!  Barbara

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