Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life in the Village

I was catching a ride to Bolga with the man across the path and he said he had to stop and pick up tomatoes

to take to town.  We drove to the Junction and the family was waiting for us.  The tomatoes were in a couple

of crates and in lots of dish pans that they covered with 2 yards and tied so they would not fall out.


This young man got the boxed balanced and then he carried it by himself up the small incline and placed it

with help on the top of the car.



There was a funeral so everyone had to be taken care of like me in the car with the tomatoes.  The three children

go to school in Bolga and because of the funeral they were in Nyariga so the neighbor was asked to get them to school.  The picture speaks for itself.

P1010875The teacher was disappoint I took the picture with his helmet on but I am trying to let you see the way it is.  Look at the feet, the sweet faces and their matching uniform-same school different levels so the uniforms show you where they belong in the school.


These young boys EVERY morning fill all those buckets and containers then take it home in the trailer they pull themselves.  The little sister is sitting and playing in the trailer and the neighbor child is waiting her turn.  The Green and terra cotta buckets are mine waiting in line.  YES that is all I can carry and still get very wet!!!

These boys showed me the sling shot very home made but does the trick.  Then they showed me the new toys they were making out of left of zinc (what you and I would call a tin roof).

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Life in the Village, work, school and play!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Barbara, It seems a little scary that it is so easy to get lost! I guess there aren't any signs. Do you need a compass, would it help? If so, how would I be able to send you one? Or anything else you might need?
