I always take my camera when I am in the village you never know what will be interesting.
This young man lives next door and sometimes comes and helps me with language. Today he
was called over to clean the guineas they had bought for about 15 cedi's because they wanted to
cook them for lunch.
This Sunday morning I was on my usual walk and stopped at the Craft Center because I heard voices. They are almost through and looking for a truck to take to port in Accra to be shipped to American. One of the leather handle makers pointed out his house and wanted me to walk that way. So I did. No one was at the house so I kept walking toward the main road around Nyariga. Well about 45 mins later two very nice boys came from the last bore hole to see if I needed help. I guess I send out SOS’s. Anyway, I told them where I was going and they said I would end of in Zumbrugo (sp)if I kept going the way I was going. So they very kindly said they would walk me to the junction. The pushed their bikes and we talked. They had many questions about America. One that I thought interesting was “If I am a stranger in your country do I have to have papers or will they kick me out.” I think it was about the Mexico border crossing so answered the best I could even went to say I had to have papers to stay here in Ghana, but I do not carry them with me all the time and you would not have to in America either if you were there legally.
The one in the yellow shirt is Sebastian and for the life of me I can not remember the other boys name except it was English. The one on the left is 19 and in Junior High School and the other is also in school and I believe he was JHS also. When we got to the Junction (today is our market day) the Landlord’s Mother was there and wanted to know where I had been. When the boys and I got finished the whole market was laughing with me and assured me they liked me exercising just make sure someone knows where I am. Not likely I can do anything without everyone knowing.
As I left this am I heard my name being called and the girls were wanting me to wait for them. They are all dressed going to church.
My landlords mother took some of the fresh tomatoes cut them up and put them outside to dry. They are probably good but wind, dust etc. – that is my bedroom window and I know what comes in through them. The water tank is for the teachers quarters my landlord is in the process of building for one of the schools.
It is getting hot but I don’t think it is as bad as yesterday yet.. I hope not anyway. My very simple life.
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