Saturday, November 3, 2012

My time in Burkina Faso

We left Nyariga at 6:30 and headed for the border with the baskets following.  Got through with my VISA will little problems although they lectured me that Anita should have a passport not a voters card.  But I just smiled.  Then we got to customs with our baskets to go through and I changed a little money.
 Motos and bikes are the main transportation in Ghana as in Burkina Faso.  The guys were very friendly but we had to wait for the baskets to be okayed before we could continue.

Now our transportation was a truck and they loaded the baskets on it and a man rode on the top.  The bottom of the truck is full of cement bags our baskets then this poor man on top that went over bumps, swerves etc.and he stayed on top.  We got to trois trois about 1 hour later.  Anita is looking at CFF's trying to figure out the money to pay the man.

Yep, that is two motos on top, with all our baskets.  I could not believe the amount of baskets that they brought to the fair.  This trois trois broke down twice before they sent off for a radiator.  We stayed under a tree on a rock until dark.  Then I made an executive decision.  The man could stay with the baskets, but Anita and I were heading into town on the next trois trois that passed and we did.  Got to a new friend, Paul, house who works with Peace Corps in Burkina Faso that opened his home to both Anita and I because it was so late she could not find her friends.  At 9:00 he greeted us then went out with friends and let us shower and get to bed.  What a trip!!!  Thank goodness PCV's and RPCV's take care of each other and always seem to be there to help.

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