Sunday, May 19, 2013

Building a Computer Lab for the Girls School

Blessing Baskets (from now on BB) and Whole Foods has purchased computers for the girls school BUT there is not a safe place to keep them, there is no electricity, and the girls need to learn about Computers.

So BB and Whole Foods has set a date.  They would pay for 75% of the building (this like everything is from your purchasing of the baskets) and the village needed to contribute the rest.  BB asked Whole Foods if they could send some volunteers to the village to set up the computer room and teach the girls.  So this has all been set for June 2013. 

Just to add interest the owner of BB Theresa and her fiancĂ©e Joe will be getting married at the end of the trip in our little village.  Not just a wedding a traditional wedding. So Plans are being made.

Except when I went by the school to visit the end of April the ground had been laid out that is all.  I was worried so Abdulai took me out to visit.

I went on May 7 around 5:30 to see what had been done.  WORK!!! BUSY LITTLE BEES!!

P1040592                                     P1040590


Yes you are seeing right the women are carrying the cement and men are building!!!


P1040588 The pan is full of cement.  The women are waiting for the sand/cement to be mixed before they will all be carrying to the men.

P1040591This is the walls going up around the office and the actual computer lab.  Floor will be cement when time comes but now just the foundation for the walls is in place.  They had been working all day and getting ready to finish when I got there.  VERY HOT!!! today but they just smiled at me when I said something.

Girls school will have a wonderful addition.  Now if Theresa has any pull with the gov’t to get the electricity to the building.  Saw the poles as we drove in but they seem far away to me but …..

Will keep you up with the excitement for the next 6 weeks or so.  Oh yeah I have told the village people that my white skin will have much more company when June gets here.  I tell them I think the village will be more white than black.  They laugh but we shall see in picture form!!!




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