Sunday, May 26, 2013

Step 2 in Building of School

We are well on our way to getting our computer lab built at the Girls School In Nyariga.


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 Everyday depending on the work of the day we have plenty of villagers willing to help.  This labor part of the construction is done by volunteers, Blessing Basket/Whole Foods is paying for the “parts”.  Notice all the pans on the ladies head.  They will be filled with dirt, rocks, cement, water, whatever is needed at the moment.


The villagers work from morning until it gets dark.  I love this picture.








If you remember they put the foundation down by making ditches filling with concrete then started the walls moving up.  How do you get the floor in?  You have the ladies bring you the cement on their heads and then you put in the room and smooth out.



Time to start work on bracing the roof:

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June is so close..they want to start putting the computers in the room and have the volunteers from Whole Food start teaching the girls on June 20th!!  Less than a month.  Bets being taken!!  Oh yea the electricity will follow up with that in the next blog.  Yea we have no lights in this part of the village.



1 comment:

  1. How far away are the electrical poles now? The lab won't be much good without them!
