Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas in Nyariga

P1030431Got the Boxes

all ready so I could see what to give which person.

P1030430Musa was the first

person into the boxes.  He was picking for his brother and


P1030433Paul open

his lorrie and knew exactly how the sound should be.


P1030434He was so

excited that he got a book.


P1030435Brenda and

Cedric were happy to show what they got.


I love the smile on the young girls face.


and I tossed the ball to each other. 

P1030461My sweet

kids that love a book that is all there’s.



Mom, Toleta, jumping the rope that one of the

girls got.



Neighbors showed up to see what the White

lady was up to now.  I had so much fun watching

them smile and laugh when they tried on of the

toys.  It was a great start to my Christmas Holiday.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Voting for a New President Ghana Style

P1030369 Everyone standing in
line to give their voters card to vote for a President and
other elected officials.

This is the
that caused all
the trouble. I
think it is all
the dirt from
outside and on
the hands.






P1030365The ballot
has pictures and party symbol so if the illiterate can vote.

This is proof that you
 have voted they dip your
 pinkie in permanent purple
ink so it will take a few days
 to wash off but then you
 can notvote twice since
 people can see you finger.

It was a very interesting day
 as I came and went to see how
 things were going.  People were orderly and excited to vote especially those that
it was their first time.  We had some confusion with the machine and though the
polls closed across Ghana at 5 pm MANY people were still in line because the
machine would not take the finger print information.  I still heard noise at 7 pm from
the voting area.  There were 5 voting areas in our little village and they all were in line
after 5 pm.  Apparently, same thing happened all over Ghana.  Never a completely smooth
election no matter what country.  It will be tonight, tomorrow, Monday whenever before
we know the results.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Odd pictures from my trip from Bolga

Here's just random pictures from the day I left Bolga through my Thanksgiving weekend

Here's my Paul.  He had to run to the house (his house is behind us) get him a bottle - we pumped the water from the bore hole and filled it up so he could be like me.  I always carry my water -normally it is cold so they let me put it on their back or heads and they run yelling and come back for more.

Linda and I waiting for bus and yes they are holding the bench up with a toilet. 

This little boy was going to Accra with us in the big bus but he was dressed to the nines.

As we were going down the road we had a band in the back of a truck.

Linda and Suzanne trying to decide what they could make, really just did
a hem for me but I was excited.

Here is just a very small sampling of the material at Global Mamas.

New restaurant in town.  Will have to try it out and see what I think.

We gave the Ambassador and his wife one of my baskets filled with the different
projects our 2011- 2013 group is working with, Shea butter, dolls, material etc.

Yes we got a group picture with the Ambassador, Linda, Meg, Ambassador, Me and Suzanne.

Suzanne and I having fun seeing all our group plus the new friends we had made over the
last year.

Sweet Megan she is about 2 hrs from me but we can sometimes get together
in Bolga or Tamale.

My Upper East daughter, Emma, now lives down South.  So far to
see her and here she is looking good.

Scott and I - he is 4th year PCV going to a knocking this weekend to ask his
girl friends parents for permission to marry.  Although I think is is not a formal
engagement until more things are done but this is first step.

Went to craft show and these guys entertained.

The shakers on the left - have beads on top really pretty, and Suzanne got
some for her grandson's.  Don't you know her daughter will be happy. Ha!!

Lady Weavers Learning a New Basket

School is in session.  We have students and teachers and of course any of the children that could not be left behind because they might have to eat.  The ladies are getting a lesson from some of the guys who have been making the square baskets.  There are three baskets nested inside each other.

Here is the bottom of the basket.  Just like school teacher checking your work and you are not sure what the final decision of the quality of your work.

Working working notice the "seats" plastic rugs.

 Okay we have to measure each one a number of times so that they will "nest" inside of each other and can be pulled out easily.

Teachers consulting about the size of the bottom of a basket.  Notice the "students" keep on working.

 Thought this was a great look at their materials, bundles of reeds, their chairs "plastic mats", the way they sit all the time when they are working and a finished product on the right.

 Always want their picture taken.  If we could just get them to smile like they do off camera.

Attitude of young lady is really confidence she knows what she is doing, but has to let the teacher make the final decision about that.  Ha!!

Here the ladies talk to each other, use the small buckets of water to wet the reeds.  Notice the bundles of reeds in the back.

Can you see the ffinished product by teachers feet.  That is I think only two of the three that will fit in there.  Notice all the colors.  That is one of the trade marks of a bolga basket the colors. 
Hope you enjoyed our day at school.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday morning in the field

IMG00013Bottom, on rt. Ben, Evans Top left
Bonaswa, Joes, trois driver, younger brother, not sure, Lambert, Anjana, Asz
They are sitting in shade waiting for other boys to tire then they will got
harvest the rice.  There are only so many gios (like a sickle)

IMG00020Got the word they the other boys were
thirsty and tired so on we went.

IMG00017Trading jobs but the “white lady” is following
with a camera so they are not sure what to think.

IMG00020Not sure do we work or pose for the camera.
IMG00027Okay we will work now.  The field is about
1 acre.  These boys are members of Abdulia’s family and are helping because the are suppose to
help the family.
Okay you take the camera and I will show you it can be done by
a white person and especially a lady (please don’t let me slice
my leg!!!)
IMG00024I did it I have a hand full
of rice- Now they will take it to a cement spot and beat the hulls
IMG00028Here is what the rice
will be taken with.  The boys all wanted to pose on the moto king!!!

What a morning it was fun talking with the boys and learning how they
would help their family.  They are so good to put up with me in the middle
of their work so I can figure out what they are doing.  Hope you Sunday is wonderful!!

07-11-12-13-30THese little ones were at the borehole getting water.  Of course it is to heavy to carry so they bent a 5 gal container put their filled bottles on top 2 are pulling 1 is pushing.  Is that just the most precious thing to see.  I love the KIDS!!!