Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lady Weavers Learning a New Basket

School is in session.  We have students and teachers and of course any of the children that could not be left behind because they might have to eat.  The ladies are getting a lesson from some of the guys who have been making the square baskets.  There are three baskets nested inside each other.

Here is the bottom of the basket.  Just like school teacher checking your work and you are not sure what the final decision of the quality of your work.

Working working notice the "seats" plastic rugs.

 Okay we have to measure each one a number of times so that they will "nest" inside of each other and can be pulled out easily.

Teachers consulting about the size of the bottom of a basket.  Notice the "students" keep on working.

 Thought this was a great look at their materials, bundles of reeds, their chairs "plastic mats", the way they sit all the time when they are working and a finished product on the right.

 Always want their picture taken.  If we could just get them to smile like they do off camera.

Attitude of young lady is really confidence she knows what she is doing, but has to let the teacher make the final decision about that.  Ha!!

Here the ladies talk to each other, use the small buckets of water to wet the reeds.  Notice the bundles of reeds in the back.

Can you see the ffinished product by teachers feet.  That is I think only two of the three that will fit in there.  Notice all the colors.  That is one of the trade marks of a bolga basket the colors. 
Hope you enjoyed our day at school.

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