Sunday, October 23, 2011

Older post that did not get Posted

Sunday a lazy free afternoon.  This morning we had breakfast at 7am then we had a lesson on how to bathe from a bucket.  Dan and Mikey went down to their shorts and gave us a demo on how to bathe.  From wash hair to washing the feet, amazing how little water you need to soap yourself up and take a cup like we do little ones to rinse.  It started our day out with a laugh.  Next up was washing your clothes.  In Ghana a man could probably get a woman to wash for him and even small children know how to hand wash.  We got a lesson on how to wash your clothes.  Starting with the “ring around the collar” and believe me my vest coming back from our quest yesterday was a prime example, then arm pits, then the body of the garment.  While we were doing this Mikey got a call from the guard at the home office in Kusami and he wanted to know what the group was doing.  Mikey told him and he said no worries when you come back we wash your clothes no need for you to do it.  Yeah rub it in.
It was hot work because we were in the sun plus it is time consuming.  I think they are right about needing to keep up with it washing 2 times a week.  Also, when you bathe you wash your underwear at that time and hang in your room not in the public.
EVERY meal has rice-sometime plain or seasoned or mixed with vegetables.  Most meals have had fried chicken which is good but they cut it into very small pieces and then it is fried.  Had fish balls last night-I just dipped them in the sauce.  The sauces have not been as hot as I thought but at least it has flavor to add to the rice.  Then fried plantains - they are addictive so sweet and crisp but the oil that is orange in my hand worries me.   Today we had a veggy dish with a # of vegetables and beans all mixed together in a seasoning.  I liked that.  We had a drink that is oat milk still don’t get what it was but it was cold and tasted good.
Came back to a dark cloud so we sort of got the dryer clothes in the room and hoped the rest would be dry before it rained. WE had them hanging on the rails around the court yard, the chairs, and on the grass Did not rain just got hot and humid.  Read some in my bed but even with breeze to hot inside so I am writing this in our garden and it has a large gazebo.  Saw a couple of lizards one that had an orange head and was told it was the male of the species.  We have a couple of bug people and they keep us all informed but I would NOT tell them I killed a spider in my room Ha!!!
Got our phones today it is now required everyone has a phone to help PC keep up with us or reach us in an emergency.   I just got a sims card and a card to load it with minutes.  Paid 1 cedis (about .45 ) for sims card and another 5 cedis for the minutes just don’t know how many that is until it is turned on.  But I will have internet and phone just like at home.   BUT we are in Ghana and it still has not been turned on.  We think when they did 26 phones at the same time the system was overloaded.  So calling maybe………
It is cheaper for me to call than for you to call so I will when I can.  Going to go study again my greeting in Twi so I won’t look at the instructor tomorrow like he is nuts asking me a question.  Hope all is well at home but don’t count on anything being consistent from me.  I can’t even charge my computer now and not sure when we will see an internet café again.

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